Kuriland, from the land of Kuries- Thrissur, warmly welcomes you to the exceptionally different ambience of success. We ventured wholeheartedly to be what we are today – a golden feather of grandeur for Thrissur – the cultural capital and the famous land of Kuries.
Kuriland is interwoven to the life & culture of Thrissur and its people. Our legendary record of accomplishments is strongly based on the pillars of trust & sincerity. We are the leading Chit Company with the highest financial base including the largest number of people. We also offer Kuries of the highest amount and profit, becoming the innovators of the most beneficial & profitable resource creators. Various hospitals, media groups etc, as well as the common people have immensely benefited form our companionship.
Surging ahead of time with the vision to reach the unexplored lands of success, Kuriland offers various types of Kuri for people from different walks of life. Please go through our Services page to know more about the Kuri that suits you. |